
Main / Products / Main Products

The Company distributes a wide variety of inorganic chemicals for the following industries: agriculture, textile, food, detergents, medicine, sewage purification and many more. As part of the Company's policy we are attentive to the needs of our customers in finding new materials and logistics solutions.

List of Main Products

Technical Specification

Appearance Clear colorless liquid free from foreign matter
Odour Odorless
Sodium Hydroxide (as NaOH) Min. 48%
Sodium Carbonate (as Na2CO3) Max. 0.5%
Chlorides (as NaCl) Max. 0.010% w/w
Sulphate (as Na2SO4) Max. 0.0250% w/w
Iron (as Fe) Max. 0.0005% w/w
Copper (as Cu) Max. 0.0001% w/w
Manganese (as Mn) Max. 0.0001% w/w
Chlorate (as NaClO3) Max. 0.0040% w/w
Silicate (as SiO2) Max. 0.0020% w/w
Density 1.50 g/ml

Packaging Table

Packaging Type Weight - kg
Jerrican - 20 liter 30
Drum - 200 liter 330
IBC - 1,000 liter 1500
Tank - Bulk Up to 27 mt

Technical Specification

Appearance Clear Colorless
Assay as KOH Min. 50 - wt%
Odour Odourless
Sodium as NaOH Max 0.5 - wt%
Chlorides as CL Max 25 - mg/kg
Sulfates as SO4 Max 10 - mg/kg
Carbonate as K2CO3 Max 0.15 - wt%
Iron as Fe Max 5 - mg/kg
Heavy Metals as Pb Max 2.5 - mg/kg
Nickel Max 3 - mg/kg
Density 1.51 g/ml

Packaging Table

Packaging Type Weight - kg
Jerrican - 20 liter 30
Drum - 200 liter 330
IBC - 1,000 liter 1500
Tank - Bulk Up to 27 mt

Technical Specification

Appearance Yellowish green liquid free from foreign Matter
Odour Chlorine
Sodium Hypochlorite Min. 12%
Alkalinity (as NaOH) Min. 1.5%
Iron (as Fe) Max. 0.0005% w/w
Copper (as Cu) Max. 0.0001% w/w
Manganese (as Mn) Max. 0.0001% w/w
Mercury Nil
Heavy Metals as Pb Nil
Density 1.165-1.175 g/ml

Packaging Table

Packaging Type Weight - kg
Jerrican - 25 liter 25
Drum - 200 liter 250
IBC - 1,000 liter 1200
Tank - Bulk Up to 27 mt

Technical Specification

Appearance Clear, or slightly yellow liquid
Assay (as HNO3) 58-62%
Nitrogen content (as N-NO3) 13.5%
Density 1.349 - 1.370 g/ml

Packaging Table

Packaging Type Weight - kg
Jerrican - 25 liter 33
Drum - 200 liter 290
IBC - 1,000 liter 1400
Tank - Bulk Up to 27 mt

Technical Specification

Appearance Clear colorless liquid free from foreign Matter
Odour Pungent
Concentration (as HCl) 31 ± 1.0 %
Free Chlorine Max. 10.0 ppm
Iron (as Fe) Max. 0.0005% w/w
Copper (as Cu) Max. 0.0001% w/w
Manganese (as Mn) Max. 0.0001% w/w
Mercury Nil
Density 1.16 g/ml

Packaging Table

Packaging Type Weight - kg
Jerrican - 25 liter 25
Drum - 200 liter 250
IBC - 1,000 liter 1200
Tank - Bulk Up to 27 mt

Technical Specification

Appearance Clear liquid,Colourless
Odour characteristic
Assay (as H2O2) 50%
Density 1.288 g/ml

Packaging Table

Packaging Type Weight - kg
Jerrican - 25 liter 35
Drum - 200 liter 250
IBC - 1,000 liter 1000
Tank - Bulk Up to 27 mt